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Monday, 24 December 2012

a K-POP store at HONGDAE 弘大

After enjoying the arts in Trick Eye Museum ( a site which Girl's Day film their HUG ME ONCE Mv), I some how came across a record shop which situated just right beside the main street.


At that time, I hadn't visit the Myeong-dong Kpop stores yet. So my initial purpose is to know the market price.
However MHD Records sell more western artist albums and some cool headphones.

Actually, I made a right decision to buy my Limited Edition KARA Solo Collection there although it may charge a little bit more , because by the time I went to the Myeong-Dong Kpop Stores, Kara limited edition albums are all sold out. ... pheew... close call.
The shop lady gave me some posters for my purchases.

*Note: the price of the K-pop albums are relatively cheap in Seoul after visiting more than 10 different kind of K-pop stores.
Nonetheless, This store does not carry much K-pop albums, only the latest one or the one released this year.

Have fun wondering around in Seoul :)


  1. i wanna ask any reccomended k-pop album shop cause i want to ask my aunt help me to buy album that the price are reasonable ?

  2. your map is very detailed. Care to share where I could get one? Thanks! :)
